NPL 2024

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by Googly »

Another blistering big hundred from Kaitano. He's on fire!!

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by secretzimbo »

The game at Alex has been abandoned because umpires deemed the pitch 'unfit for purpose'! :shock: :?

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by Googly »

Who was playing there? That pitch is generally half OK.

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by secretzimbo »

Rainbow and Takas 2

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by Googly »

Just needs cutting, watering and rolling to make it at least playable. Its a 1 hour job. You have to wonder.....

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by Googly »

We should have access to the umpires' reports on that sort of stuff. The groundsmen must be accountable. A shit pitch is one thing, but an unplayable/unsafe one should just be an immediate sacking. You just gotta sack one dude and they'll pay attention. There's no excuse in winter. Summer you make sure the covers are on and there's a non sleeping security guard to stop someone liberating the covers for some chicken run roofs.
Should also have an umpire review board accessible to everyone with ranking points so we know who the tsotsis are. We know anyway, but good to have their names in lights. Captains should submit a report on what they perceive to be bad decisions and Langton and Vijoen review it and deduct points. We need to get rid of a couple of these guys. It's been a lot better these last couple of weeks. I have been really surprised and pleased that Rangers haven't been targeted...yet :lol:
But seriously had there been a team of predominantly whites in the last few years it would have been a shit show. They've been pretty even handed so far.
In fact in the Rangers Takashinga game the Takas lads got a couple of absolute stinkers.

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by secretzimbo »

Googly wrote:
Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:37 am
Just tuned into the Rangers Knights game.
The pitch is soaking wet :lol: but either playing easy or Basson and Campbell are making it look easy.

Basson hasn't done much, but here's a guy with a really solid looking technique. Where are those talent scouts? One in UK and one relaxing at home :lol:
Surely they aren't still paying Jarvis?!

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by Googly »

I'm fairly certain they are. I'm sure it's a contract thing and it was the only way he'd get to see the balance of his cash. I just can't think what else it would be.
We've got him, DH who seems to have taken a sabbatical and Hamilton who doesn't appear to do much. Three huge salaries for no return, plus they probably haven't finished Ratshit's contract, plus this terrible cricket ending stadium they're building.
It's a mess.

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by Googly »

The Sables have just administered a rugby lesson to Namibia!!!!!

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Re: NPL 2024

Post by Googly »

Just wish the Parallelograms had done the same.

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