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Post by Googly »

Haha. I’m not sure. When you verbalize it there doesn’t seem to be a good reason. When you get a bit older you’re averse to change. Plus I’m quite pig headed. I kinda want to see this through. This part may ring in deaf ears because the black guys will claim to have had roots here from time immemorial (not true in a lot of cases as people flooded in here from the surrounds when this country developed), but my family rolled in here on the first pioneer column. We’ve been here since 1890. I feel deeply about my shattered and broken country. That sounds like soppy bullshit, but it’s true. I have a deep and abiding dislike for people who think I don’t belong here as well.
I have a couple of businesses that make a few dollars and I march to my own tune. That means a lot to me.
Having said all that if I did spot a gap where I could live decently overseas I may consider it. Aus or NZ may be preferred over the UK, I have options in that regard. Those English winters make me want to hang myself.
First world rules and regulations are not easy either.
I know hundreds of ex Zimbos overseas yet they always come back here and hanker after better days so they can return. It’s a dilemma for sure.

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Post by sam_ahm »

Googly wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:01 am
sam_ahm wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:38 am
Here cricket in an entire country is coming to an end after some 4 decades and people are not worried, what will we worry about this forum mate :lol: :lol: :lol:
The country is coming to an end. This place is in deep deep trouble. Zanu cannot undo the problems they’ve created. Every day new stories come out of the jaw dropping corruption and theft. It’s basically just a free for all looting spree that has no apparent end. Every structure and dept has collapsed and nothing works. It’s incredibly grim here.
Sorry to hear that mate. As they say, 'This time will pass' I hope the country sees better days ahead. After all nothing is permanent.

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Post by Googly »

My pet hate is people who’ve left this country for economic reasons and yet still support this regime. There’s a special place in hell for those MF’s. We have a couple on this forum.

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Post by Xlife »

It's clear from your posts on this forum that you do have a deep love for Zimbabwe, it's unfortunate that love has rarely (if ever) been returned!

You seem to have a good sense of the situation on the ground, do you really believe that a change is around the corner? Isn't it more likely that the docile nature of Zimbabweans means all these hardships will remain for many more years?

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Post by Googly »

The problem is the economy always has the last say. Gov attempts to manipulate the currency has always failed. At the end of the day people need to survive and they find a way around the regs that gov puts into place to supposedly help the country, but in reality it’s designed to help themselves.
The government has completely run out of ideas to stem the bleeding here. We are hemorrhaging from every orifice and they are under enormous pressure. Their attempts to hang on are making them more and more unpopular by the day. I don’t know where it’s all headed. If you follow the key guys on Twitter it’s very alarming.

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Post by ZIMDOGGY »

For those of you who don’t get why Googly doesn’t flee, I’ll add some perspective.
Perspective because I know him and like him, I have spent Enough time in both eastern Europe and half in Oz, as in a less developed country (although not nearly as bad as zim) and a comfortable country in Aus ( as opposed to England).

The thing is, which is hard to grasp sometimes, is it can be very difficult navigating work life in countries that just bung on red tape for red tapes sake. Even when the red tape has valid reasons it is just easier to do things sometimes in the less developed world. They also in some ways roll out the red carpet better rock do business. It’s more libertarian.

In Oz I struggle very hard to stay between the lines. Law and work. Because I have that personality where I just want things done and if I want something I’ll just do it. Not structured.

In places like Zim you can. Connections make it happen. Or they let go or don’t care about things people in the first world get anal about.

Call someone a fag in Oz and people are horrified.think they would in zim?
Cut a corner in Oz and it’s a gamble. In zim or Eastern Europe, so what.
Feel like getting drunk in the street? Not in Oz. Yes in the third world.
Some people are in their element in the Wild West.
I know many many decent people from Australia who have made it in Eastern Europe, which they wouldn’t have here. It’s an eye opener.
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FULL NAME: Angus James Mackay
BORN: 13 June 1967, Harare
KNOWN AS: Gus Mackay

'The' Gus Mackay.




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Post by encore »

Sat Jul 27, 2019 1:22 pm
I know many many decent people from Australia who have made it in Eastern Europe, which they wouldn’t have here. It’s an eye opener.

Although the sheer irony of an Australian saying what you just said ZIMDOGGY is not lost on some of us. It's a paradox. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Voice of reason.

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Post by zimbos_05 »

Googly wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:07 am
Ok I do have some potentially good news-
Our very own GM has cranked up the heat, someone of importance has decided to take a little break outside the country and hope the dust settles a bit, which hopefully it doesn’t. :lol:
He’s not doing nuttin’ as people had thought.
Not at liberty to disclose just yet but it’s about to get mighty hot in the kitchen. :lol:
I'm not sure what any of this means or whether it is anything to be excited about, but I've learnt not to really have hope lately.
Googly wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:13 am

Because I’d rather be struggling here than anywhere else, but it’s wearing thin. I don’t want to live in a crap little brick house in England and work a 9-5 job. If I had loot to kick back I’d consider it for sure.
I’ve always wanted to outlast Mugabe, that box is almost ticked and I kinda want to outlast Zanu now. These guys have turned everyone’s lives upside down, black and white. I want to see what’s next. It’s probably worse, but what the hell. I see Chamisa is calling for 7 days of prayer and fasting. When the going gets tough here everyone goes to Church. I’m in favour of the fasting bit though. :lol:
I respect your decision. I sometimes find things a little baffling. I suppose I am now so used to living in Australia, and also lived in UK, so am used to that 1st world so to speak. Every time I go back to Zim on holiday I just can't fathom how life functions. Even with all that Chinese investment, it's terrible. China Mall is a disaster. I also can't fathom how people actually survive on such minimal wages and there is such a disparity between communities. The gap between rich and poor is extremely huge. There really is no middle class.

I have this sort of discussion about lifetstyle. I get it though. The 9-5 almost robotic life does not appeal to everyone. Even I am starting to feel the effects, but in saying that, we have the services and the opportunities to get away from it. We have functioning health care, and a welfare system that can support you when off work, and services to help you with that career change if needs be. I have a degree, but am studying for a masters and I am doing it online whilst working. I can go to the riverside by the city at night and enjoy that lifestyle and not worrying too much about whether I will have petrol the next day or electricity. Small little things like that.

A lot of the people who I have spoken too tend to hark on about the difficulties or making your bed, cleaning your dishes, your own house, etc...but I don't think I could put kids through the effect of living in Zim. To be fair I don't have any, but if I ever got married - even though i'm 31 - I don't think I would want to put those stresses that are things one is entitled to as a citizen on a wife and kids. Shouldn't have to wake up at midnight to cook your food and warm water to shower in. Shouldn't have to travel overseas every so often for medicines and health care. Shouldn't have to worry about whether you can afford to buy bread and oil.

I also get what ZIMDOGGY is saying about the red tape. Not going to lie, it shits me sometimes and I have to kick some assess to get shit done, but I would rather that than being run by dysfunction. The system of making a plan and knowing someone only really works for some, not all.

I pine for Zim. I miss the place so much, but it almost feels so destroyed that I don't recognise it anymore. The move towards Chinese investment also is something I am not happy with. I've seen the effects of it here in Aus, and I don't like the selfishness of it. Calling for prayer happens so much, but what changes. Sometimes action needs to be called for.

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Post by Zimco »

Having been in zim, aus and uk I can see both sides of what you’re all saying. I also had the idea that uk had no space and was overly cold. I have found these to be misconceptions. The weather has been alright the last two summers. And many houses have more space than Aus, I guess it depends where you live. But yes you get more acreage in zim for your dollar, but nothing outside the house. Your house is your castle they say.

But then again talking to another zim mate about this, the ease of making friends in zim is unparalleled and the community’s are great. If you have no family in uk/aus I imagine it could be very lonely. Do miss the tin roof as well :D but yeah no water and power is shit and most of my friends leave zim in their 20s. The farming lifestyle is still pretty great for the lucky ones that still have a farm in zim and the smell and friendliness of Zimbabwe/ most Zimbabweans is great.

the poorest in zim are far worse off than the poorest in Aus. If you have money in zim or a family network, you can pay your way out of many problems. Wouldn’t want my kids to have only a zim passport either ( the green mamba) I’d be getting the hell out of I was stuck in that situation or having them born somewhere else.

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Post by Googly »

If you can afford a private school Zim is still a really good place to bring up kids. I know that’s sounds bizarre but it’s true. If you’re in the very few good gov schools you ideally want to get the fuck out of Dodge :lol: it’s tough there with limited opportunities.
Zim kids are just nice. I’ve wandered around some smart public schools in England and it’s hard not to start setting about some of them with a baseball bat.
There are a couple of tiers of middle class here, and they’re struggling. Below that I just don’t understand how people get by. Zimbabweans are good people and you can spot them a mile off. We don’t deserve this shit.

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