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Post by Boundary »

brmtaylor.com admin wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:49 pm

I think you're right TapsC, they aren't winning the PR war. There's been a few own goals. By making this very grand and public announcement on the radio, online, etc about "turn up for work on August 1"... well if nobody turns up the interim board will look very weak and powerless. So I think they do need to have a certain number of people show otherwise they are a king without a country.
I think people not turning up are playing right into DEB and his new board's hands. The idea is to sweep the whole thing clean, if they don't turn up they offer the new CEO a chance to institute retrenchments. Fire a whole lot, hire a few new, therefore less money required to run the admin side. From wherever they will be getting money (I'm assuming they've already lined up something at least) they will then run domestic fixtures - this then buys them support from those previously marginalised FC players. I don't know what the plan is to deal with Mukuhlani and ICC but whatever it is, the idea is to neutralise his operational leverage. That's what I'm guessing.

A high stakes game of chicken. They seem not to be concerned or competent at the PR game. Can they win without it? My inclination is that they want to gut the operations of the previous regime but at the same time offer a deal to the suspended board: "You guys can come back, with your benefits intact, but we will run the show on the ground". Basically paying them off. Power or money, what does Mukuhlani want?

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Post by encore »

brmtaylor.com admin wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:04 pm
That's the million bond question.
jimmylesaint wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:17 pm
if any one thinks that Zanu needed ZC 9-12m US dollars they really have no idea the wealth of Zimbabwe! You can pick that amount up on the side of the road in diamonds,gold, tantalite,emeralds etc in a day or two and sell it in Mocambique for hard cash.ZC contribution if any probably amounted to tea and cakes for parliament for the year.
Trap the ghosts of Shakepeare and Mark Twain for months, and I doubt even they would be able to haunt with this script. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by encore »

jimmylesaint wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:20 pm
How many need to turn up for it to be deemed a success for the interim board?
None! Most of the admin are complicit.
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Post by encore »

Boundary wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:50 pm
brmtaylor.com admin wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:49 pm
I think you're right TapsC, they aren't winning the PR war. There's been a few own goals. By making this very grand and public announcement on the radio, online, etc about "turn up for work on August 1"... well if nobody turns up the interim board will look very weak and powerless. So I think they do need to have a certain number of people show otherwise they are a king without a country.
I think people not turning up are playing right into DEB and his new board's hands. The idea is to sweep the whole thing clean, if they don't turn up they offer the new CEO a chance to institute retrenchments. Fire a whole lot, hire a few new, therefore less money required to run the admin side.
The ZC Interim Board would never be able to pull that off.

The mere fact that the SRC's legality and authority was not backed up by the Sports Minister or the majority party's Chief Whip, coupled with several instances of it being ignored by other Sports Associations in Zimbabwe over the years means the Interm ZC Board - set up by the SRC - is itself up for legal challenge. Even more so considering that the employees' contracts were signed with the actual ZC Board, and the ICC which finances the entire operation - and taxes happily collected by ZIMRA from all those employees - recognises only that board, and rejects the Interim Board. So staff not complying woul dhave sound legal arguments.

Firing employees would be the most silly thing to do then. It would be even worse because not only have the ICC kicked you out and you don't have their funds, a huge workforce that you dismissed unfairly will take you to court and block you from employing anyone. Meaning the game cannot function. At all. That's worse!

Plus the longer those legal battles drag out the more money the "new" ZC would have to pay for backpay...for no work done. All with a very small fund available.

I think by now the general consensus should be that DEB and VH have gotten way too rusty(I'm being generous), and people gambled by throwing their weight behind a Mlotshwa who probably misled them about his legal plans.
Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and a leech?
A: After you die, a leech stops sucking your blood.

Q: How does an attorney sleep?
A: First he lies on one side, then he lies on the other.
Keep it going...
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Post by jimmylesaint »

The Russians are buying 40t of gold a month for cash.
Zim is supposed to only mine 40t a year :lol: :lol: :lol:
What ZC has is peanuts,literally loose change.

The mere fact that the SRC's legality and authority was not backed up by the Sports Minister or the majority party's Chief Whip, coupled with several instances of it being ignored by other Sports Associations in Zimbabwe over the years means the Interm ZC Board - set up by the SRC - is itself up for legal challenge. Even more so considering that the employees' contracts were signed with the actual ZC Board, and the ICC which finances the entire operation
On one hand you say the above that the SRC is an illegitimate bastard then on the other ....yo claim the SRC are now a responsible heir...
Firing employees would be the most silly thing to do then. It would be even worse because not only have the ICC kicked you out and you don't have their funds, a huge workforce that you dismissed unfairly will take you to court and block you from employing anyone. Meaning the game cannot function. At all. That's worse!
No one needs to argue with you because you do it yourself, (i bet you make your own cakes and eat them) conveniently fitting in the dialogue to your story :lol: :lol:
The legal reality is that Mukuhlani caused the suspension by asking for it, the lawsuits from employees that mukuhlani cannot pay now will be aimed at him. The ZC can be made insolvent and wound up. Further a high court could claim Mukuhlani et al was negligent in his duty to the many workers and such him and his estate can be tapped into to pay dues.
There is a reason Thursday was d-day its the 1st of the month and workers would be TUPED over if they were accepted.
The reality is there are so many fronts to this where none of them end well for majority of ZC personnel. The back office people need to be cleaned out minus a few.
The current crop of players minus about 6 have shown no balls or allegiance too any coaches from Brent to mangongo they simply take and take. They could have dictated this current crisis by being a strong cohesive players union.....but Hamilton stopped that happening.
BT and Jarvis get a lot of money.... :lol: big deal Mukuhlani agreed to it and signed it off. Good luck to them- same with Chigs, big payouts....good for him.
You are a good little soldier little A.

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Post by kudet »

https://twitter.com/faraimachamire/stat ... 1412737024
Farayi Machamire
Only 10 players and 7 staff members turned up for work, ZC interim MD Hogg confirmed.

“Unfortunately not many came to work, about 8 or 10 players turned up and about six staff members showed up. About 6 players called to say they won’t be able to make it,” Hogg told me.

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Post by encore »

kudet wrote:
Thu Aug 01, 2019 8:16 pm
Only 10 players and 7 staff members turned up for work, ZC interim MD Hogg confirmed.

“Unfortunately not many came to work, about 8 or 10 players turned up and about six staff members showed up. About 6 players called to say they won’t be able to make it,” Hogg told me.

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Post by jimmylesaint »

23 smack in the faces for Muku :ugeek:

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Post by zimbos_05 »

The question was never about how many turned up, the questions are what happened and what will happen now.

There needs to start being some outlay of plans by Hogg and co.

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Post by TapsC »

https://www.herald.co.zw/hogg-disappoin ... f-players/

You cant exactly have a functioning system with 23 people. Salaries will always be the sticking point

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