Frank Mawoza

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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by zimbos_05 »

Googly wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2020 10:07 am
Health care for 270 million people. Surely as you say it you realize it’s not feasible? The NHS is an upside down disaster, why would America do it any better?
Free stuff don’t work very well. Just my opinion.
Free health care works pretty well here in Aus. Granted you can have longer wait times some times, but anything urgent is always addressed as a matter of urgency.

Trump increased Americas war spending to $639 billion. They spend $250 million per day on war, that equates to $91.250 billion a year. That is just war spending alone. This does not take in to account tax breaks for the rich, spending on personal agendas and issues etc etc Imagine if they actually took the money that was spent on taxes and used it for normal things. You only need to look at Scandinavia to see how well they work with free education and healthcare. Granted, smaller nations, but America is meant to be a first world country, yet some of their towns don't have proper drinking water. Kids have school debts for food. People don't get medical care because of the costs.

Obviously a complete totally free health system is not perhaps not viable, but basics should be covered. A visit to a doctor should not cost you. If you need medication, it should be subsidised. Eye tests and dental should be covered. Basic things really.

As for Venezuela, you cannot justify something as simply as you have. There is obviously a lot more to the Venezuela issue than an infographic.

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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by ZIMDOGGY »

I’m not saying I support either, but there’s a very valid argument against universal healthcare, and for the American system.
Can’t be dismissive just like that.
Remember, free healthcare isn’t actually free. It’s paid for taxes, and it’s paying for junkies and people who put themselves in harms way.

Personally, I do like the Australian system and if you asked me for my personal stance. That’s what I’d advocate for. But we don’t really have free universal health. Just the basics. We have the health insurance system too for proper care. We just have a genius/yet slightly unfair way of channeling our higher earners towards private health insurance to offset the burden. I hate it but I respect it. I can go into that further if requested.

The REAL issue as I see it with the yanks health system is the corruption with the drug companies.
They artificially pump up prices and hold customers to ransom, which in turn actually drives up insurance premiums. Which leads to their shitfight. A good poster boy for this is Martin Shrkeli and his antics and lack of remorse for it.
Drug companies get away with it because it’s mostly absorbed by insurance but over time it’s increased prices.
Trump and a few others have pledged to take these guys on, Trump I understand has done a bit to address it, but needs more done. Hopefully it’s a re-election pledge.

The Bernie Sanders system is simply unaffordable, it’s why his own party don’t support it.

I think Sanders is being stupid, he wants universal healthcare AND free tuition. He should ditch the second and focus on the first and he is a chance. At least, have a co contribution system.

If he really wants to be elected. He should adopt much of Trumps immigration policy, spruik his signature healthcare and just slightly cheaper intuition. He would win with taht.

Republicans won’t vote for a socialist who wants to give healthcare to illegal immigrants.
Cricinfo profile of the 'James Bond' of cricket:

FULL NAME: Angus James Mackay
BORN: 13 June 1967, Harare
KNOWN AS: Gus Mackay

'The' Gus Mackay.




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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by Googly »

It’s hard to compare anything to the Scandinavian countries, they’re unique. They also have a fairly homogeneous population which equates to less social problems, not that I’m necessarily an advocate.

Apparently 25% of America’s GDP revolves around their military, they actually need wars to generate revenues, those expenditures you’ve quoted have to be offset against what they earn by causing chaos throughout the world. :lol: They’ve not been blessing countries with freedom and democracy for only 4 years out of the last two centuries.

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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by ZIMDOGGY »

zimbos_05 wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:10 am
Googly wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2020 10:07 am
Health care for 270 million people. Surely as you say it you realize it’s not feasible? The NHS is an upside down disaster, why would America do it any better?
Free stuff don’t work very well. Just my opinion.
Free health care works pretty well here in Aus. Granted you can have longer wait times some times, but anything urgent is always addressed as a matter of urgency.

Trump increased Americas war spending to $639 billion. They spend $250 million per day on war, that equates to $91.250 billion a year. That is just war spending alone. This does not take in to account tax breaks for the rich, spending on personal agendas and issues etc etc Imagine if they actually took the money that was spent on taxes and used it for normal things. You only need to look at Scandinavia to see how well they work with free education and healthcare. Granted, smaller nations, but America is meant to be a first world country, yet some of their towns don't have proper drinking water.
I literally live in Scandinavia. It’s not what you think. It doesn’t work as well as you think. Only served the lower class.

They get away with it because:
Smaller population as you said.
Historically homogenous people
In Norway’s case, oil money, distributed better than the Arab states
The culture. And this is the big one.its the opposite of Zim. Scandinavians are fucking smart. Socially awkward, but smart af. Principled, they don’t resort to thieving tactics. They have high IQs. Estonian, modelled and built on the neighbouring Finnish school system, are the highest quality in the world. Google it. They absolutely value education by culture.

Rich people don’t stay though. Unless it’s Estonia, which has got rich from rich people leaving next door.
Latvia are now trying to do the same. If they are successful there will be a severe brain drain.

Sweden will be first to crack.
Cricinfo profile of the 'James Bond' of cricket:

FULL NAME: Angus James Mackay
BORN: 13 June 1967, Harare
KNOWN AS: Gus Mackay

'The' Gus Mackay.




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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by Googly »

I know a few Norwegians. I toured with a good guy once. Everyone in Africa either assumed he was a Dane or a Swede and it used to enrage him. The Norwegians definitely look down on their Scandinavian Neighbours.

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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by foreignfield »

Googly wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:03 pm
I know a few Norwegians. I toured with a good guy once. Everyone in Africa either assumed he was a Dane or a Swede and it used to enrage him. The Norwegians definitely look down on their Scandinavian Neighbours.
I can well believe that. For centuries the Danes and Swedes themselves looked down upon their poor uneducated neighbours--and ruled their country.
And then the farmers and fishers got lucky with oil and gas.

Zimdoggy is spot on about Scandinavian culture--although you can find similar traits in the Netherlands and with a certain twist in Germany. And yes, the concept is getting under increasing pressure as culture changes, be it through immigration or other factors.

Denmark, for example, realised 150-200 years ago that, the little country they had become, they were not going to win another war or be an imperialistic power, and that their only natural resources were the brains of their population and that the community had to pull together in one direction--and they haven't looked back since. You will still be hard pressed to find a Dane who complains about heavy taxation, but you will also find a community which is very aware of what is happening in the wider world and anxious to defend the country and community they've built.

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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by Googly »

I found this Zimbo 05 ... /?vh=e&d=n
Quite interesting.

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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by ZIMDOGGY »

I’ll also add, as a (so far) healthy person that hasn’t needed hospital, I hate that I can’t have the same standard of living here than in Australia. I’ll never be able to have the same income again unless I skyrocket up the corporate ladder. You feel it when you need plane tickets and such.

Back to America,
Although to be impartial, despite leaning republican myself, I saw a video recently that was a bit eye opening, it pointed out that the ideal republican government is replicated by..... Somalia!

The moral of the video was to convey that culture trumps politics when it comes to social cohesion, and if republicans really want to be conservative, they need to focus efforts to preserve American culture and European roots.
That culture dilution is what is fragmenting the U.S.
Cricinfo profile of the 'James Bond' of cricket:

FULL NAME: Angus James Mackay
BORN: 13 June 1967, Harare
KNOWN AS: Gus Mackay

'The' Gus Mackay.




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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by Googly »

Absolutely. If you want to take people down you do just that, attack their culture by infiltration.

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Re: Frank Mawoza

Post by foreignfield »

One last word on Scandinavia: It's not a model that is "only good for the poor"--Denmark and Co. wouldn't permanently feature at the top of each and every World Happiness Index, Survey etc. But, yes, not the best place if you want become a billionaire and wallow in the comforts that being in the top 1% of a country where a substantial part the population lives in third world conditions brings with it, aka the USA.

Also not the best place if you want to live the swazzy Pimp lifestyle, cruising around on your 90-ft.-yacht on the Baltic ;)

The Baltic countries are obviously a slightly different matter as they have so much ground to make up after decades of Communist rule and centuries under the Russian yoke.
Last edited by foreignfield on Thu Jan 30, 2020 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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