Free health care works pretty well here in Aus. Granted you can have longer wait times some times, but anything urgent is always addressed as a matter of urgency.
Trump increased Americas war spending to $639 billion. They spend $250 million per day on war, that equates to $91.250 billion a year. That is just war spending alone. This does not take in to account tax breaks for the rich, spending on personal agendas and issues etc etc Imagine if they actually took the money that was spent on taxes and used it for normal things. You only need to look at Scandinavia to see how well they work with free education and healthcare. Granted, smaller nations, but America is meant to be a first world country, yet some of their towns don't have proper drinking water. Kids have school debts for food. People don't get medical care because of the costs.
Obviously a complete totally free health system is not perhaps not viable, but basics should be covered. A visit to a doctor should not cost you. If you need medication, it should be subsidised. Eye tests and dental should be covered. Basic things really.
As for Venezuela, you cannot justify something as simply as you have. There is obviously a lot more to the Venezuela issue than an infographic.