Well if you read Jonty’s post you know who he is, or at the very least who’s directing him. And you know he’s working hand in hand with those journalists. It’s just such low level stuff. Practically any comment made by any of them is liked by one or two people, that tells you two things- they’re disliked and people fear victimization.
They know they lost the popular vote a long time ago and what they say has no credibility. Having zero popular following tells you exactly how things are here in our broken country. Fans prefer to follow independent cricket commentary on twitter and that’s now eating them because they have no credible people working in their media dept and they’re trying to stamp out negative comments. That’s how poorly run dictatorships work- you don’t try and make things right, you hunt out the dissenters and make things untenable for them. Not being able to satisfactorily deal with critics through the right actions and good management is all the proof one needs as to why our cricket is in the position it’s in.
There’s not one rich bad guy I’ve ever met who hasn’t done the most despicable stuff to get where they are and then expend an inordinate amount of time, energy and money trying to cover up their misdeeds, legitimize themselves and try to gain some respect.
This stuff is brilliant honestly you would have thought running ZC would be a busy job but yet these pelicans have time to make twitter accounts and argue with the general public
Well, one would have thought that running the most powerful country in the world is a busy job, too, and yet that orange guinea pig also spends most of his time on twitter.
This stuff is brilliant honestly you would have thought running ZC would be a busy job but yet these pelicans have time to make twitter accounts and argue with the general public
Well, one would have thought that running the most powerful country in the world is a busy job, too, and yet that orange guinea pig also spends most of his time on twitter.
Orange Guinea Pig
Exactly what he is. Absolute muppet. But better than these Democrats all day. Their whole democracy has been exposed. Thieving career politicians the whole lot of them.
This stuff is brilliant honestly you would have thought running ZC would be a busy job but yet these pelicans have time to make twitter accounts and argue with the general public
Well, one would have thought that running the most powerful country in the world is a busy job, too, and yet that orange guinea pig also spends most of his time on twitter.
Maybe TM and Co. are also "very stable geniuses"?
Trump has a hyperactive mind. Everything he does is mentally quick and sharp and he only sleeps 2 hours a night.
When’s the last time you’ve heard him say ‘umm’ in a sentence?
He cannot be between in a debate for this reason. He will always come up with something quickly.
Cricinfo profile of the 'James Bond' of cricket:
FULL NAME: Angus James Mackay
BORN: 13 June 1967, Harare
KNOWN AS: Gus Mackay
Have u seen those clips where he says “nobody in th world knows more than me about....” and he covers most fields known to man.
I started out watching these proceeds trying to keep an open mind, but would now gladly end Nadler and Schiff, those are proper snakes.
Mate I honestly don't know why you are always on my case. Like I honestly don't know.
Well I could say that you exposed my whole life, but that would be a lie.
I've thought about this, that it would seem like I'm on your case, but in reality, you just say a lot of interesting engaging things.
I was just saying, if you know them, then that's fine. Own it. It's just some of your posts seen to suggest you do. Maybe knowing them you can be in a situation to push for the right change.